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Mcdonalds Current Enterprise Agreement

McDonald`s Current Enterprise Agreement: What You Need to Know

McDonald`s is one of the largest fast-food chains in the world, with over 38,000 restaurants across 119 countries. In Australia, McDonald`s is the largest employer in the fast-food industry, with more than 100,000 employees. These employees are subject to the McDonald`s Enterprise Agreement, which outlines their pay, working conditions, and benefits.

The current McDonald`s Enterprise Agreement was approved by the Fair Work Commission in 2013 and is due for renegotiation in 2020. The agreement covers a range of areas, including base pay rates, penalty rates, overtime, and annual leave.

Base Pay Rates

The current McDonald`s Enterprise Agreement sets out the minimum hourly rates for employees based on their age and level of experience. For example, a 21-year-old crew member with less than one year of experience is paid a base rate of $20.49 per hour. As the employee gains more experience, their hourly rate increases.

Penalty Rates

Penalty rates are additional payments made to employees for working outside of normal hours. The current McDonald`s Enterprise Agreement sets out penalty rates for working on weekends, evenings, public holidays, and late nights. For example, crew members who work on Sundays are entitled to an additional 150% of their base rate.


Overtime is the additional work done by an employee outside of their normal working hours. The current McDonald`s Enterprise Agreement sets out the rules for overtime, including the additional pay rates and the maximum hours an employee can work. For example, employees who work more than 10 hours in a single day are entitled to an additional 25% of their hourly rate.

Annual Leave

Annual leave is the paid time off that an employee is entitled to each year. The current McDonald`s Enterprise Agreement sets out the rules for annual leave, including the number of weeks of leave an employee is entitled to and how to request leave. For example, full-time employees are entitled to four weeks of paid annual leave per year.

Negotiations for a New Enterprise Agreement

The current McDonald`s Enterprise Agreement is scheduled to be renegotiated in 2020. The negotiations will likely focus on issues such as pay increases, penalty rates, and improved working conditions. The negotiations will involve McDonald`s, the unions representing employees, and the Fair Work Commission.

In Conclusion

The McDonald`s Enterprise Agreement is an important document that outlines the pay, conditions, and benefits of McDonald`s employees in Australia. The current agreement provides for minimum base pay rates, penalty rates, overtime, and annual leave. As negotiations for a new agreement continue in 2020, it will be interesting to see what changes are made to improve the working conditions and wages of McDonald`s employees.

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